Kinneret Tours -Israelin matkoja
Koe pyhä ja eksoottinen Israel
Kinneret Tours - born by the lake
Kinneret Tours Ltd. was established in Israel and registered in Finland in summer 2005. To pick the name for our tour agency was natural, since from the time we moved to Israel in 1990 as a family, we have had our home most of the time in the views of that precious lake.
The urge to establish a new Finnish company came from the desire to show the travelers also different kind of Israel. Many have asked to have more in depth nature-and experience tours, meeting the locals and stepping also aside from the traditional pilgrimage sites to enjoy for example the various SPA resorts in Israel. Of course we want to show the important traditional sites as well, but we wish to make them more alive to the travelers.
The lake is actually a good symbol of the local's feelings. Their anger can be raised quickly and it can calm down as speedily. It is typical on the lake Kinneret- surrounded by mountains- that strong wings can quickly cause a big storm. In the winter time blow the south and west winds. Into this kind of crosswinds where Jesus' disciples suddenly got while sailing from the east side to the northern shore. In the summertime the hot and dry western desert winds stir the lake.
The Messiah calmed down the lake. He wants to do the same to the storms of the human mind.We as a tour company wish to build bridges of peace also through tourism. We want to teach people to understand deeper the bible and its land, and to realize why is it important to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and pray also more widely for the entire Middle East's peace.
Lev Hatsafon
One of the reasons to start the company was to enable the support of new immigrants in Israel. Along the years we had noticed that many of the immigrants aren’t able to find work fitting their expertise or work satisfying their material or psychological needs. A vision we have is to be able to build some satisfying working places for them. Kinneret tours supports Lev Hatsafon from its income.
The Kinneret Tours Family
The Kinneret Tours ltd. is a family company established by Heikki and Susanna Kangas, their three daughters and their in-laws. The family trusts the Bible to be spiritually, historically and morally accurate book, inspired by God. Heikki Kangas has been working as a special journalist on the Middle-East and as a guide in Israel, Egypt and Jordan since 1990. The special interest (and for some members the subject of university studies) of the family has for long been hiking the nature and archaeology as well as the Biblical and general history of the land of Israel. The same kind of lovely experiences we've had as a family traveling, hiking and exploring God's handiwork all around, we wish to be able to give our customers coming to see Israel.
Susanna and Heikki KangasKinneret Tours Oy
Kinnerettours office
Phone: +972 - 7 - 7785 0215
Fax: +972 - 7 - 7785 0216
GSM: +972 - 54 - 790 3665
Email: susanna.kangas (at)
Kinneret Tours
P.O. Box 165
Kfar Harif 79830, Israel